Dear friends, this time I’ll tell you about few days in Amsterdam.
“Eehhh Dekà and why did you go there? As if we don’t know you…”
No, don’t start with your usual insinuations. I visited three dear friends, ex colleagues in Warsaw: the Chilean Juan, who moved there and the French Yannick and Sebastien which, like me, visited him in those days.
“Eehhhh yes… and once there what did you do? Didn’t you take all those filth substances you like: LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, phencyclidine, ketamine, MDMA, mushrooms…”.
No no. I don’t even know what are you talking about. And anyway I stopped with that, both for the age both for the reached wisdom.
And also, big coincidence, just a couple of weeks before going to Amsterdam I met a Russian girl who can read the hand. She read my hand and said sure: “For the future be careful with your brain”. I don’t believe much in the hand reading, and anyway this girl soon seemed not infallible since told my friend “I see clearly that you will marry at 35″, “But I’m 41!”, so not an amazing clairvoyant, but I saw my prophecy as a divine message sent to me to say be careful Grand Dekaro, try to save what can still be saved. No much indeed. But anyway: I officially and definitively chose life.
But once in Amsterdam I found myself a bit as the flight controller of the movie “Airplane!”, that when problems start says “looks like I picked the wrong week to quit coffee”… and drinks a coffee. After, when problems rise “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking” and smokes a cigarette, then “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking”… “to quit amphetamines”, “quit sniffing” and so on… (Video on YouTube).
Well, luckily for me I’m not at those toxic levels, but it’s true that once there began to appear ambiguous muffins, bubbling narghile, cakes and other strange things. And how to say no? How?
Jokes apart, Amsterdam is much more then some legal joints and some prostitute in the window (and anyway I don’t smoke and I don’t go to prostitutes), it is one of my favorite cities, both for its beauty and for that sense of total freedom that reigns. I’ve been there many times, but last time was long ago, 10 years ago.
Let’s see the photos.
There we are, me, Yannik and Juan. Picture taken by Sebastien. Anyway after Warsaw I already met them again in London. With Yannick also in Malta, with Juan also in NewCastle, where he moved for few years and with Sebastien also a trip to China. So, a bunch that continues from time to time to meet again in Europe and beyond.
Happy women on a giant multi-bike, with a table in the center.
Space Muffin … towards new horizons! (Actually the main effect was an extraordinary sense of sleepiness that added to the one I already have naturally).
Girl. Since I will marry soon, maybe I’ll choose a girl from Holland, generally are the most beautiful. Ah yes, I forgot to say that the infallibile hand reading has also prophesied that I get married in the middle of my life. So it should be almost. Or, thought clever: I’m getting married at age 90, so I will reach 180 years old!
Pure cunning.
Great photographer composition. Not even the muffins can stop me!
In Rijks museum, a Nazist chessboard given by Himmler to the leader of the pro-Nazi Dutch party imposed after the German invasion. Whites are the Nazis. But at the end the Blacks (actually, Reddish) always win! The Nazi-fascists are too stupid to win.
Near the museum there was an interesting installation. Inside a room there was a digitized 360° degree collage of paintings by Mesdag that changed light depending on the time and the season.
Sex shop. With wise words of Woody Allen.
Ok, and that’s it. As you can see, generally, I behaved. I chose life. But what a bore. Actually now that I think about, there is only one thing that hurts more the brain of taking psychedelic drugs: it’s don’t taking psychedelic drugs. Ehhhh this looks like an Oscar Wilde paradox! I’m kidding! Choose life.